Sunday, December 22, 2019

Is it true that SAPUI5 will be obsolete soon?

SAP UI5 is the technology to build web applications. SAP Fiori says how the applications are supposed to look. SAP UI5 is technology, and SAP Fiori is design guidelines.SAP has invested a lot in UI technologies and finally it came with UI5 with combination of public libraries Java script and HTML 5.You can build Responsive, Delightful, enterprise ready applications to run on any devise easily using UI5 (whom don’t want these).SAP new innovations like Fiori, Mobility, Cloud, Success factors and all other existing products updates are directly/indirectly using SAPUI5 technology.
Most important, Many SAP clients are still in Web Dynpro techonlogies (Java& ABAP) or earlier UI techs and they are eager to migrate to Fiori/ UI5 based applications- So now its a huge demand.SAP Integration with other technologies / products made easy with UI5 programming.SAP has givenOpenUI5 has a Open Source, check the updations to it inSAP/openui5.
if you want to Up to date or get ready with UI5 fiori technology - start learningclick on this link it will help you.

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